The ruins of the castle Gauthier GiffardThe ruins of the castle Gauthier Giffard
©Hiking and biking circuit passing through the old castle|Sma76 A.beauvois

Hiking in connection with nature

You will find plenty to wear out your shoes in Terroir de Caux! Land of hiking par excellence, the territory is endowed with more than 300 kilometers of paths. Our marked hiking trails will allow you to discover the rural heritage and to meet our local producers and sites of visit.

Hiking in roaming

Our long distance hiking trails

No less than 3 GR trails cross the territory! The GR 21, GR of the coast leads from Tréport to Le Havre through woods, beaches and cliffs. And excuse the little, it was elected favorite GR of the French of the year 2020, reason more to tread its paths for a few kilometers!
The GR 212, will allow you to go along the Saâne, while the GR 210 also known under the name of GR du Chasse-marée will allow you to go along the valley of the Scie.